i’m tired…

 For my commercial it took me a while to figure out what pictures and videos I want to use. I still set on using a few pictures I took of the sky. Also using some pictures of my family and I. As for videos I was going to use as I said before, a video of me riding a bike with no training wheels. I’m also other people for their opinions on what I should do. I’ve heard quite a few opinions and statements about what I should do. They all think it’s pretty good. I still want to use my camera I got for Christmas to get really good quality on my pictures. I’ll also do like half and half. Maybe 2 photos of the sky I took. Then two photos of myself or me with my family. As for song choice I think I’m still going with Autumn Leaves and possibly change my second choice too For You by BTS or From The Start. In my opinion these songs just give off those aesthetic “commercial vibes”, if that makes sense. As for the whole process of edit I’ll add caption and text to my videos. For example for the video of me riding my bike i’ll put something like… “Here‘s five year old me, when I was still living in the state I was born in, which is New Jersey. I was riding my bike for the first time without any training wheels.” Then for a photo of me i’ll put a caption like, “here’s me from my 5th grade graduation, I was so sad to leave all my friends.” Then i’ll  include another video of me when I was little doing rock climbing, with my parents cheering in the background. At first I thought this was going to be hard to do. Even though I didn’t start it yet it sounds pretty easy.


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