It was pretty easy

 Editing was easy for the most part since I already knew what I was doing. I used an app that I was familiar with so I wouldn’t have to learn how to use a different app. I added certain edits in there like split screen, fade in, fade out, and so on. I just inserted a clip, maybe shortened it or made it longer so it could match the length of the song we used. The only editing I had to do on the song was to fade the sound in towards the beginning and to fade the sound out towards the end of the music video. I also had to lower the sound for a period of time so the dialogue of the video was present. The only thing that was stressful and annoying was when the app (Alight Motion) would lag, glitch, or kick me out of the app. Other than that editing was pretty smooth. I tried to edit and film at the same time so it wouldn’t be as much work. However, in the end I just ended up editing after I was done filming everything. When I had to edit the video, it wasn’t the “editing” I thought we had to do. That’s why I was a bit worried how hard or difficult it would be to do it. However, it wasn’t the editing I expected, so I was relieved about that. I was the only one editing this time which was a bit stressful. So, next time I would maybe want to be in the video. Also I want to use my camera I got for Christmas next time. I feel like it would be better quality, or easier get shots then using my phone. The only thing that would be different would be editing. I would have to transfer all the video I take to my phone. Then I would have to edit. So, in a sense it would not harder, but more work to do.


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