Title Research: Dead Silence
What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?
At first the opening sequence gives sentences of a little context. Some about history and definitions. Then it moves on to give it's credits such as "Universal Presents". It also puts a title of what production is it. Finally it gets to the title of the movie with a red, bold, and unique font. In the same font, peoples names show up and we can infer those are the actors names. Credits show up as well.
What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The first image is a black and gold design with images with text on it. Then in a pitch black setting, someone lights a candle. Then it cuts to someone flipping a book. You then start to see this person creating a doll.
How does the film establish a feeling of the genre?
The music from the very beginning has an eerie undertone to it. It helps to build the suspense of what it going to happen next making the storyline for mysterious. The lighting differences. The contrast of a little light in a dark background. Also, the cuts in the editing with the constant zooms in and out help to add more mystery.
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