
 As for re-filming our open sequence, we didn’t do much re-filming. When we soon found out that we had did our slightly wrong, we did think about the idea of re-filming. However, we figured that we wouldn’t enough time to even re-film, since it was nearing the end of February. One did we re-film were several parts of our opening sequence. Such as, re-filming the scene if someone laughed or if noise was in the background. At one point we did have to re-film a part only because we changed our mind about using my camera. The camera had really good quality and thought it would be best to use. However, my camera runs on batteries and was about to go dead. So, we re-filmed the part where Ludji is on the phone talking to the other person, me. If we were to re-film,  we would probably re-film the outside of my house. When I recorded the outside of my home, it was still pretty bright outside. The time taking place during this film is like evening, dusk time. Showing the house while it’s still bright might throw viewers off. They might it’s morning time, and suddenly wonder why it’s dark. This is because we didn’t film the house at first, and forget about the establishing shot. One thing I would also want to re-film is scenes that take place in the living room. In my house, there is a fish tank and the filter makes noise. This causes it to sound like there is water running in the background. Another scene we should also re-film is the one where Nala (Ludji) is walking into the room to get a bag of chips. I believe my sister or Joel was scene in the shot, and they weren’t supposed to. It would be nice to re-film all of these, but its very last minute.


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