Production Blog: Help Me Set the Mood!

 Hey Blog! It’s Mai’Lyia and I’m back with another little update of the production of my film! Today, as we did begin to film, I chose to focus on the music and how it was going to set the mood of the overall film. Since I was working alone, the thinking process is a bit more challenging. I thought, should I include spooky music all throughout? or maybe only during certain scenes that really need it. So, this immediately took me back to last year during AS level when we used royalty free music. We used this last year to avoid any copyright issues, however this year I wanted to use a specific song during the beginning as the main character is scribbling through her notebook. I plan to soon email the creator for the song I want to use, which is “3005” by Chidlish Gambino, and see if I can include it. If not, that’s ok! I’ll stick to my original plan. That is to just use a royalty free song during this part so the mood I’m trying to set still gets across. It’s supposed to signify just the main character relaxing. Though, the music in the beginning of the video is just something extra to include. As for further into the film, I will use a sound from the Youtube channel “Power House Factory” to add onto parts in my film where something suspenseful or questionable happens. The title of this is “Dark Suspense Thriller Background Music”. Also, during the one car crash scene, I would like to include some screeching noses during the flashback!

Thats all for now! Thanks for listening to my blog once again. Hoped my rant made intentions of my blog more clear and interesting. Until next time, MJ out.


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