Finally Friday.
This is my last blog for my commercial and I think I have everything finalized. At least for the most part I have everything. I did run into a little problem when trying to export certain photos when I was just “testing” out my commercial. However, I figured out how to fix in the long run. So, as for photos, I will use four photos that are about me or represent me. I will use two photos of me, myself and two photos of me with my family. As for videos, I’ll use the video of me riding my bike without any training wheels when I was about 5 or 6 years old. Then for the second video, I’ll use a video of me probably getting sung happy birthday to or I might still use the video of me rock climbing. Now, for the song choices, I will use two. I going to use Mikrokosmos and Beautiful Stranger by BTS and Laufey. I will be sure to give credits towards the end of the video. I will write captions like, “5 year old me riding my bike without training wheels, felt like I conquered the world”. Then something for me getting sung happy birthday to, I’ll caption something like this, “My 15th birthday not to long ago, I loved it so much. For the pictures I’ll just caption who’s in the picture like my sister or mom. I’m currently in the progress of making the commercial now on Alight Motion. I’ll use certain fonts that I like, which is why I’m going to you the app. I’ll also make sure all the photos and videos are around the same size so it looks ok. I’ve reviewed it multiple times and I keep watching it. However, everything I watch it I find something in there that I don’t like or just bothers me. Honestly, its been pretty interesting to make this commercial, it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle though, because I used to editing things. If anything happens with Alight Motion, or if I run into a problem I’ll just switch back to CapCut.
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