My group for the Final Task


For this group project, it will be three of us. It will me be Mai’Lyia, Ludji or Ludjmillia, and Joel. The reason why I chose them for our group is because I know them. I thought it would be easier and simpler to do a project with people you already know. Ludjmilla and I are in the same class but have different periods. However, I’m in the same period with Joel. We decided to be in the same group again for the final task. This was because as a group, we did very well last time. We received a decent score on our music so we think it’ll be best for us to remain in the same group. We also thought it would just be easier to stay in the same group so we could figure out things a little earlier. Last time, I think we did very well in our group. We finished all of our work on time and within/before the due date. We made sure to all agree on certain ideas and just take over. We all cooperated and picked ideas that were best for the whole group, not just for the benefit of one member. It was very fun working with my group, especially while recording our music video. At one point we were going to add an extra member into our group because they couldn’t find one at first. So, I hesitant on writing my group blog just in case they did join. However, the ended up finding a group so everything worked out well. I hope that our project goes as well it did as last time. I enjoy work with my group a lot.


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