For editing, we did re-edit a lot of things. For one, at first I was going to edit our sequence. However, Joel said he would edit so he did. I was using Alight Motion to edit the film but we switched to a software called Danvinci Resolve. One thing we also changed was using a split screen at the beginning at the film. This why Ludji and I were facing the way would be facing if we were face to face. The purpose of splitting the screen was to show we were in different places. We also re-edited the clips where we were having a conversation. The pauses between each piece of dialogue was very long and made it obvious that we weren’t really on the phone. So, I clipped the videos after realizing how long it was. Another thing we re-edited was title of the film. In my blog about titles and fonts I mentioned that we used a font called “horror” however we used a different website and it didn’t have that font on there. Also, the title was at the beginning and I had to fix it because there is an order for the blogs to go in. So, I fixed what time the title appeared in the video as well as the font and what color it was. Also, for an scary effect, I added in a glitch on the establishing shot that shows the house. This made it different and it wasn’t on the film at first. I also added the voices in where the main character is having a conversation with their future self on the phone. We almost forgot to add the voices into the film. If we didn’t, the part on the phone wouldn’t make that much sense and wouldn’t give it the same effect if there was no voice over the phone. We did a lot more re-editing than re-filming because it just made more sense too. Without the editing, the film wouldn’t look like it was a scary movie really.
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