Other Info

For the film I will be using my both of my sisters for the film. My first sister, Mihanna, will be the main protagonist. My other sister, Elise, will be her best friend in the film. I will also use my brothers and my parents as well for background characters during a certain scene. My younger brother will be the "bad guy" in the film in a sense but won't come until towards the end of the film. Today, I probably print out some papers and have them rehearse some of their lines and give the a whole synopsis of the overall film. I wanr to start recording probably next weekend or the weekend after it. I still have a couple ideas so I may change the storyboard and the script to tweak a few things in the film. Prior to using my sisters I was going to use my close friends, Ludji and My'Kayla. However, knowing that around this time of year can be a little harsh and hetic, I decided to use my sibilings since I literally live with them. Im super exicted to began filming my film and can't wait to work on other things like postcard and website as well. I hope my film, "What You Left Behind" turns out very well!
